Friday, June 24, 2005

Reviews, Admin,

Today, eyes are still disgusting. The ears, the nose and the throat equally so. And I shall say nothing about obstetrics and gynaecology.

Two attempts at reviews today.

  1. King Arthur: The Director's Cut. [movie] To be fair, I have only seen the first half an hour of it but, wow, it's so much better than the original cinema version. By better, I mean more violent. There is also a tad more character exposition which is no bad thing as it makes the Knights out to be moderately less caricaturish. I know, I know, I probably shouldn't confess to enjoying this kind of film but I do, so very very much.
  2. Martha Wainwright, by Martha Wainwright. [album] This is much easier to listen to than I was expecting it to be. It's an angry album in places (Ball and Chain, Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole) but she has a fantastic voice, sometimes harsh, sometimes pleading, always damned tuneful (Whither Must I Wander) She has a very, very different sound in comparison with her brother; definitely more 'country' than he is. I'd love to see her when she comes to Dublin (The Village, July 1) but I'll be away on a holiday I have been looking forward to for months. Ah, the sacrifices we make. (Joke, by the way, oh so definitely a joke)
For those with an interest, I also have a co-blog over here, shared with a classmate and a good friend. Actually, to be entirely honest, it's Gnome's blog and we're just along for the ride. (So thank you, Gnome!) There is a LiveJournal feed for it here, for any interested LiveJournal users.


Blogger nobodygrl said...

I bought Martha Wainwright's cd on a whim and I love it. Especially BMFA and Factory.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

It is really good, isn't it? I bought it due to some bizarre sense of loyalty as I utterly adore her brother Rufus. :)

6:42 AM  

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